The primary goal for the partnership is to improve student achievement in math and science in both college and grades 7-12 by creating a multi agency approach for the recruitment and professional development of mathematics and science teachers.
SCOLLARCITY uses a new pedagogy through effective use of technology, math modeling, computer simulations, and visual representations, which allow an integrated approach to math and science teaching while stimulating a layered (inquiry-based) learning for students using hands-on experiments.
Project Contributions

"Teaching with technology still remains as a challenge. Making judicious choices of when, what and how specific tools and pedagogies to use in the teaching of a topic can be…

Posted by: Osman Yasar . This article introduces a new perspective on computational thinking, including its definition, cognitive essence, and curricular issues

Posted by: Osman Yasar . Today's professional societies, teacher organizations, accrediting bodies, and government agencies are actively promoting the teaching of computational thinking (CT) skills. Although the discourse about the essence of CT continues, a…

Posted by: Osman Yasar . Matter and mind can both be viewed as containing packets of energy and information that, in some sense, hide their internal elements from the outside, much like a computer science…

"There are scientific reports suggesting striking similarities between the structures of networked systems, ranging from the tiny brain cells to atoms, to the Internet, and all the way up to…

Posted by: Osman Yasar . This project links cognition to computation in terms of the most fundamental way of information processing, storage and retrieval. It sets a new definition for what computational thinking really is.…

Posted by: Osman Yasar . "The field of computational science is a recent addition to academic study. While the content of such an education is generally agreed upon, effective methods for imparting this knowledge are…

Posted by: Osman Yasar . "Computational science and engineering (CSE) education is growing all over the world. It initially started as an overlap of computer science, mathematics, and science and engineering, but through the years,…

Posted by: Osman Yasar . "The field of computational science and engineering was first recognized at research institutions and industrial settings where dependency on computers was growing rapidly. Prominent schools were first to establish graduate…

Posted by: Osman Yasar . "As technology is increasingly used in most facets of the workplace, it is imperative that primary and secondary schools and colleges help create a workforce capable of turning technological advancements…

Posted by: Osman Yasar . A booklet summarizing a technology approach to integrate math and science education. This booklet is the 2003-2008 Progress Report for the SUNY-Brockport College and Rochester City (SCOLLARCITY) Math and Science…

Posted by: Jeffery Commaroto . This paper offers a new way to prove Kepler's laws using mathematical, computational, and visualization tools. It reflects the experience of 9th grade students in a math and science competition....

Posted by: Jeffery Commaroto . This work illustrates how accuracy can be controlled in computer and mathematical modeling. It uses Interactive Physics software and Microsoft Excel. Teachers or students can repeat the work in the...

Posted by: Jeffery Commaroto . On Saturday March 24th the Monroe High School hosted the CMST Institute Challenge Awards Ceremony & Triathlon Event. 250 Students from the Rochester City & Brighton Central School Districts along...

On Thursday, October 30, 2003 the Subcommittee on Research of the House Science Committee held a hearing to discuss the implementation of the Math Science Partnership (MSP) Program at the...

Posted by: Osman Yasar . The SCOLLARCITY MSP project was called to provide testimony at the House Science Subcommittee Hearings in October 2004. This pdf file is the formal written report that was submitted. Excerpt:...

Posted by: Osman Yasar . This paper describes elements of undergraduate computational science education. This is the 'bible' in the emerging field of computational science and engineering. --Osman Yassar Abstract: "The multidisciplinary...

Posted by: Osman Yasar . The SCOLLARCITY MSP describes project goals and achievements for the project's second year of funding.

Posted by: Osman Yasar . Osman Yasar, PI of the SCOLLARCITY MSP, was honored as a Turkish National Icon... Brockport, NY -- Osman Yasar PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Computational Sciences at...

Posted by: Osman Yasar . Summary report on the House Science Subcommittee's oversight hearing of the National Science Foundation's Math Science Partnership Program. Osman Yasar, PI of the SCOLLARCITY Targeted MSP provided testimony.

Posted by: Osman Yasar . AIP report on the Congressional Hearings regarding NSF's Math Science Partnerships Program.

Posted by: Osman Yasar . "Dr. Osman Yasar, chair of the Department of Computational Science at SUNY Brockport, invited to testify at an October congressional hearing to evaluate the new federal Math and Science Partnership...